Lewisburg Printing Company


Lewisburg Printing Company (LPC) is a manufacturer of high-graphic printed materials and packaging. LPC is a G7 Master Printer and offers a wide range of capabilities, including large and small format lithographic, flexographic and digital printing as well as value-added prepress and finishing services. The company’s mission is to ensure its customers receive products and services that exceed their expectations with speed to market that is unmatched in the industry. LPC is able to serve its customers from four manufacturing facilities in Tennessee, Texas, and Illinois.

Identified Key Value Creation Initiatives

  • Realize strong pipeline of growth opportunities

  • Expand into adjacent product categories, end markets and geographies

  • Execute identified operational improvement projects

  • Pursue build-up strategy in paper-based packaging industry


Lewisburg, TN (HQ)
4 in North America




Huston Patterson

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Mold-Rite Plastics